Little League

Little League has officially started, and it's GREAT! I love everything about little league from the cheese burgers to the tokens and especially the new adorable uniforms this year! Minors now have sponsors just like the Majors so there are all new uniforms this year and they have done a really great job. Josh is on Once Upon A Time Toys which isn't exactly the easiest thing to yell out! LOL Josh is making us all proud with his great pitching and fielding skills, and lets not forgot that big bat!!! He's definitely a super star! These pictures below though are the best, Dad was umping and Josh had just finished his game, moments like these are what Little League is all about.

Chris' Confirmation

So Chris is an officially confirmed member of St. Paul Lutheran Church. It was a BIG day for the whole family and I know we are all super proud of him. Chris played a little camera shy, but thanks to Aunt Beth we got plenty of photos!!

Congrats Kevin Mueller BGSU Grad '09!!

Ok so I'm a little bit behind in updating the blog, since my last post there has been a LOT of very exciting things going on. Kevin graduated from college which is OBVIOUSLY huge! It was a really fun weekend and a really nice commencement, I just can't wait until it's my turn! Here are some pictures from the weekend and a video, yes I followed the wrong kid for a while! Congrats Kevin! We are SO proud of you!!

Statement of Faith

This past Sunday Christopher had to give his Statement of Faith as part of his preparation for confirmation Sunday on May 17th. Chris was assigned a bible verse and he had to create a visual aid to express that verse. He also had to give a 2-3 minute speech about what his faith means to him. He did such a GREAT job, no nervous cracking of the voice or anything! We'll forgive him for thinking we've only been members for a year and a half instead of the 3 and a half years we've actually been members for. LOL I guess that just goes to show that time really does fly when you are having fun!It has been so wonderful to be a part of all of this, and I can't wait to see him confirmed in a few weeks. Way to go Chris!