We're Pregnant!!!

So Kirk and I found out this weekend that we are pregnant. Needless to say we are overjoyed! We are 4 weeks pregnant today. We got our first positive test on Friday and I took another one Saturday and another today, I just couldn't believe it!!! So after we knew for sure today we decided to tell everyone else. My Mom of course knew on Saturday because I just couldn't hold it in!! Below is the positive test from today and some footage we got of us telling Kirk's Papa and then the boys. Little baby Mueller is due 7-25-2010. Obviously since we aren't so childless any more we will be taking suggestions for a new blog name.

Halloween 2009

This year Halloween was very fun, since Josh was a little less than crazy about going trick-or-treating because in his words "it's kind of childish". SO to show him it could still be fun James, Chris, and I dressed up & went with him. We had an absolute blast! I managed to get the crap scared out of me at one of the houses by the most obvious ghost person ever... Here are some pictures from all our fun!
The trick-or-treaters...
The Family
Totally wiped out...
Kitty & Doggy were wiped out too...

Yeah that's right, I am not too grown up to run & scream like a little girl.