Lexie's New Trick - Down
7:19 PM
This past weekend Kirk and I attended his Church picnic, we took Lexie, and she met a new lab/shepherd mix named Willow who if I do say so myself is one of the smartest dogs I have ever seen. Willow is so smart her owners gave us a demonstration of her ability to perform all her standard sit, stay, come, down commands using hand signals and she obeys them from quite a distance. ANYWAYS, I was impressed and also a little humbled by their dogs superior talent and I got it in my head that Lexie needed to become a dog who has lots of fun tricks I can show off to other people too. The problem is we gave up on teaching Lexie these things when she was a puppy because she couldn't seem to get past sit. Sit she could, but then came down and it has since then been beyond her intelligence level (so we thought) but today I made it my mission (yes i know I should be working at work, but I get easily side tracked) to find another method we had not tried yet to teach Lexie down. Behold! Lexie is WAY smarter than I thought, it was me her terribly inept teacher this whole time. I am hoping to teach her something new next week so stay tuned...