McGowan Prom '08
5:18 PM

For those of you who have ever heard me talk about where I work you know it's pretty much the loony bin! To prove that this wacky place really does exist and that we really do do the things I talk about please view exhibit A. Every year we do something crazy for Mr. McGowan's b-day, last years theme was cats because he hates them, so we covered his entire office in cat stuff & pictures and everyone dressed like a cat. For some reason our shenanigans make him feel special... SO this year was Under The Sea Prom theme. Apparently Mr. IV never went to his high school prom (not so shocking if you know him) so we decorated our office lobby like a cheaply done 1980's prom & dressed accordingly. While some of the girls were concerned with looking all cute in their prom outfits (apparently graduating from high school doesn't exempt some people from still acting like they are high schoolers) I was much more concerned with being as dumb as possible. SO I borrowed and suit and some dress shoes from Sean and a dress shirt and tie from James and even bought a flower for my date! Needless to say, Mr. IV loved the whole thing, but he especially loved my confusion over where to put my hands while posing for a photo op with my date because "I totally get freshman boys now, where do the hands go!!!???" was all I could think to say. I have a new respect for how awkward these situations can be. Oh, and of course I should mention Kirk chickened out of dressing like a girl at the last moment, I think it would have been much funnier if we could have been dates!