Cavs Playoff Game

Kirk & I were lucky enough to get Dad's work tickets to the Cav's first playoff game this Saturday. While it totally screwed up the 8million things I had planned to do that day it was totally worth it!! Here are some pictures, it was just a CRAZY experience we had a TON of fun!!!

Happy 10th Birthday Josh!!

So long single digits, the last child in the Ranc household is 10! Josh turned 10 on March 31st, and we celebrated his birthday tonight. Now as we all know 10 is a HUGE birthday and I think we made it a day to remember. I do believe he got almost everything on his list! Perhaps the highlight of birthday gifts was the insane Nerf gun that Mom & Dad bought him. Jamie & Chris are in BIG trouble, I mean this thing has scope & everything!! Not to mention Mom got him some crazy belt with extra ammo so he can run around like Rambo and not worry about having to re-load... Good Luck to Jamie & Chris! Happy Birthday Josh!! Oh, and he also got so many presents that I had to do it in 3 clips...

Happy Easter!!

The Lord is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!!! I hope everyone is having a great Easter!! Our Easter has been truly blessed, everyone is here and Mom made us all Easter Baskets! SO HAPPY! Mom & I ventured out to the old fashioned candy store and bought some great stuff, I bought the boys all dog bowls, and they were awesome enough to want to eat out of them like dogs! SO FUNNY! We dyed Easter eggs yesterday and in true teenage form there are phrases such as "Jamie needs a hug" and "Jamie's PMSing" and Mom tried her best but her egg really does look like it says "Mom is #2" LOL. It's been a great family holiday and Bobbo has even been in a good
mood for most of the day! Happy Easter!


So after only one day Lily decided that maybe Lexie wasn't so bad after all... after two days she was down right curious, and on the third day they had decided to be BFF's. This couldn't have turned out any better! I was hoping that Lily would be Lexie's buddy so she wouldn't have to spend her days alone anymore and sure enough they chase each other around the house, wrestle, and as you can see they even cuddle! Even more unbelievable, Kirk actually really likes her!
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All-Star Game

As stated before Chris Ranc is a pretty bid deal around here! He of course was asked to be in the All-Star game this evening. He played well and even blocked a dunk by Lebron James wannabe "Mo" from St. John Nottingham, which made me SO happy because everyone was yelling "let him dunk!" from the stands. Honestly? What planet do these people live on? Who wants to see someone dunk when they don't even have to work for it? I don't care if he's 14 and it's awesome, he should still have to dunk it OVER the defender like everyone else! lol intense much? well maybe... All kidding aside this boy is really good, and seems very nice, but I would NEVER encourage any one of my brothers to step aside and LET someone dunk! Here's the clip so you can see how sweet it was for yourself. Congrats Chris on an awesome season!!

Chris & Josh's Baptism!

Palm Sunday was extra special for the Ranc family this year. Chris & Josh were baptized and it was SO great! It was incredibly special for me because Kirk & I are their God Parents! While it may not have been ideal that they hadn't been baptized yet it was extremely cool to hear them express their wish to be baptized and it was a wonderfully intimate experience for our whole family. Hey, I even managed not to cry!

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Welcome Home Lily!!

Well, I convinced the husband to let me get a kitten a few months ago (I think he thought I would stop bugging him to have kids for a while...) and the wait is finally over, little Lily came home this weekend and I don't think it's possible for her to be any cuter, crazier, or sweeter!! Luckily for Kirk she is going to be quite the little handful for a little while so it should distract me from the kids thing for a while, what a smart man!! LOL She will be 9wks old tomorrow and already loves her Mommy! Smart girl! Her big sister was VERY excited to see her, but Lily had never seen a dog before so she wasn't sharing those feelings of excitement. She is slowly realizing that her sister is not something to worry about and I'm sure they will be the best of friends before we know it!

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Ohio State Graduation

CONGRATULATIONS CHUCK EWING III!!!! Recent graduate from THE Ohio State University, among his graduating class were James Laurinitis and Brian Robiskie, how cool! This was my second Ohio State graduation now, and they were both equally awesome! Although I must say Summer graduation was much hotter, having it in the horse shoe is an incredible sight! Ohio State definitely knows how to do a graduation ceremony, their speakers are always incredibly funny yet pertinent. Kirk & I wish you nothing but the best in the future, it was a HUGE day and we were so happy to get to be a part of it!

Lutheran West's Season Comes to an End...

Well the end of the Lutheran West basketball season was about as impressive as the beginning was in terms of coaching, Coach Durbin hands down lost the final game for us. It came down to the last 10 seconds and James' response to the question "What was the plan that Coach Durbin gave you?" was "He didn't really give us a plan, he just said to take a good shot if we had one..." WOW what coach doesn't have a solid plan for the last 10 seconds of the game when your team has a chance to win? I'm pretty sure that even Lebron looks to Brown for the plan at the end of a tight game.... as Maxwell would say "that guy...". Anyways, James played great, he was one of 3 players to score for Lutheran West scoring 13. Unfortunately they were incredibly out coached and ended their season in the district semi-finals against Cuyahoga Heights. It looks like Coach Durbin will be making a return appearance next year, lets hope he takes the off-season to work on his coaching!

Josh's End of Season Tournament

Apparently James & Chris have made such a name for the Ranc family in the Lutheran Basketball world, that a Bethany coach approached Mom at the All-Ohio tournament to see how old Josh was and asked if he would want to play in a tournament the following weekend. Mom said sure, but then realized that this guy had never seen Josh play when she asked him how he knew Josh would be any good he replied "Chris & James are his older brothers right?" and when Mom said "yes" he said "then I'm not really worried about it..." LOL too funny!! Josh would prove him right, he OBVIOUSLY had nothing to worry about. Not only did Josh play SUPER amazing he was given the honor of being chosen as one of six players to make the All Tournament Team AND his team finished second!! They lost to a team who has been playing together for YEARS and year round, so I'm pretty sure they had nothing to feel bad about!

All-Ohio Tournament Play

The All-Ohio Tournament was an INSANE weekend, why they held it at a Church in the middle of no where Ohio is beyond me, every one's hotels were about 30min or more away from this place... oh well. St. Paul played great, they finished 3rd and although it wasn't where they wanted to end up it was a great experience and exposure to great basketball!

Chris played to amazing, I'm sure the Lutheran West coaches can't wait to get their hands on him!

All-Ohio Tournament Weekend

Ok, so let me start by apologizing that this has taken me SO long...the All-Ohio weekend was SO MUCH FUN!! It started with an all school pep rally at St. Paul, this was by far the best 1/2 day vacation I've ever taken. St. Paul was going nuts because they had never done something like that before. Mr. Lehrke (school principal) was so excited he did a cart wheel (see below). LOL Not only was this pep rally in honor of both the boys & girls 8th grade teams making it to the State Tourny it was also to celebrate the Junior National Honor Society Inductees, and OF COURSE our little brianiac Chris was inducted, AND not only that but he is so adorable that he brought Mom his carnation and gave her a kiss, you should have heard the collective "Awwwww" coming from the other Moms... I should also mention that since then Chris was named salutatorian of his 8th grade class and will receive a partial scholarship to Lutheran West! Way To Go Chris!!!

Chris & Mom, what a nice boy!

The pep rally was during Lutheran Schools week, the younger kids at St. Paul were asked to make a top 10 list of the reasons why they love St. Paul Lutheran School and Chris Ranc was #4. No joke, he's a pretty big deal around here! LOL

The Pep Rally was a great start to a great weekend!!