Josh's End of Season Tournament
5:57 PM
Apparently James & Chris have made such a name for the Ranc family in the Lutheran Basketball world, that a Bethany coach approached Mom at the All-Ohio tournament to see how old Josh was and asked if he would want to play in a tournament the following weekend. Mom said sure, but then realized that this guy had never seen Josh play when she asked him how he knew Josh would be any good he replied "Chris & James are his older brothers right?" and when Mom said "yes" he said "then I'm not really worried about it..." LOL too funny!! Josh would prove him right, he OBVIOUSLY had nothing to worry about. Not only did Josh play SUPER amazing he was given the honor of being chosen as one of six players to make the All Tournament Team AND his team finished second!! They lost to a team who has been playing together for YEARS and year round, so I'm pretty sure they had nothing to feel bad about!