Lutheran West's Season Comes to an End...

Well the end of the Lutheran West basketball season was about as impressive as the beginning was in terms of coaching, Coach Durbin hands down lost the final game for us. It came down to the last 10 seconds and James' response to the question "What was the plan that Coach Durbin gave you?" was "He didn't really give us a plan, he just said to take a good shot if we had one..." WOW what coach doesn't have a solid plan for the last 10 seconds of the game when your team has a chance to win? I'm pretty sure that even Lebron looks to Brown for the plan at the end of a tight game.... as Maxwell would say "that guy...". Anyways, James played great, he was one of 3 players to score for Lutheran West scoring 13. Unfortunately they were incredibly out coached and ended their season in the district semi-finals against Cuyahoga Heights. It looks like Coach Durbin will be making a return appearance next year, lets hope he takes the off-season to work on his coaching!

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