All-Star Game

As stated before Chris Ranc is a pretty bid deal around here! He of course was asked to be in the All-Star game this evening. He played well and even blocked a dunk by Lebron James wannabe "Mo" from St. John Nottingham, which made me SO happy because everyone was yelling "let him dunk!" from the stands. Honestly? What planet do these people live on? Who wants to see someone dunk when they don't even have to work for it? I don't care if he's 14 and it's awesome, he should still have to dunk it OVER the defender like everyone else! lol intense much? well maybe... All kidding aside this boy is really good, and seems very nice, but I would NEVER encourage any one of my brothers to step aside and LET someone dunk! Here's the clip so you can see how sweet it was for yourself. Congrats Chris on an awesome season!!

1 Response
  1. Bobby Says:

    What's a bid deal? Is that like better than a big deal? Or is it worse? Is Chris a step above or below a big deal, because now I am confused.